Our Transmedia Project Fiscal Sponsor
To Donate To Our Transmedia Project, Please Follow These Simple Steps:
(1) Your tax free donations check should be made payable to “From The Heart Productions” with “Constructed Memories Project” written in the memo line.
(2) Please address your tax free donations check to:
From the Heart Productions
455 Mandalay Beach Rd.,
Oxnard, CA 93035 USA
For more information from our Transmedia Fiscal Sponsor, please

Our Interactive Documentary Film Fiscal Sponsor
To Donate To Our Film, Please Follow These Simple Steps:
(1) Credit card TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS can be made via our direct link to our fiscal agent The San Francisco
Film Society.
(2) Or, please make your check payable to:
The San Francisco Film Society
(3) Please be sure to put our Project Number: FSP 1307 and along with our Film’s Title: Letter From Cloudcroft
on the memo line of your check.
(4) Please mail your check directly to:
San Francisco Film Society
Finance Department
39 Mesa St. Suite 110
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
(5) Please contact or email us at letterfromcloudcroft [at] gmail [dot]com about your contribution and we will
update you on our film’s progress.
All donations to our film are tax-deductible.