A young NYC Jewish engineer’s 1946 trek to the American Southwest finds unexpected top secret collaborators. All is revealed almost seventy years later through the discovery of his letters by his artist daughter.
After moving to New Mexico Melinda found a box covered with decades of destination stamps. Left unopened Melinda inherited her grandmother Mama Lily’s penchant for saving family documents. Uncovering a trove of letters hidden in an old suitcase, one sealed letter written from the Lodge in Cloudcroft in 1946 inspires her journey to explore the intersection of her her Jewish life with father’s secret work on the early historic development of American space exploration.
Tracking incidents and leads from the letters, this story uncovers an intricate political and personal story interweaving the complexities of history, collective memory and personal narratives.
Challenged by the unexpected writings of her Jewish father, daughter Melinda confronts familial beliefs and values while questioning moral and ethical choices made by individuals and their governments.
Ultimately her journey offers a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of societal reconciliation and personal transformation.